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Work, Play, Love with Lauren Fleshman and Jesse Thomas

Apr 24, 2018

It’s Boston Marathon morning! Lauren and Jesse are buzzing after Des Linden’s big win, which brings up her new coffee company (Linden & True), which conveniently segues into a fresh batch of listener questions about biz, sport, and life at home:
  • Project management at home
  • Getting back to training after a break
  • Dealing with parent guilt of time away from training and running a business
  • Picky Bars thoughts on bringing on investors

Jesse kicks things off by talking about how he talks too much, and Lauren eventually reveals her secret big ticket trade-in item for Picky Bars. Their starkly contrasting to-do list systems (or lack thereof) are balanced out by a similar approach towards finding rhythm, dealing with parent guilt, and the importance of being more than “just an athlete.”